Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (2024)

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At least some were last verified for version 1.35.

This is a list of events relating to the norse religion.[1]


  • 1 Events
    • 1.1 Ways of the Norse Gods
    • 1.2 A Wave of Curiosity
    • 1.3 [Root.Monarch.GetName]'s Discovery
    • 1.4 [Root.Monarch.GetName]'s Turn to the Old Gods
    • 1.5 The Norse Conversion of [Root.GetName]
    • 1.6 The Restoration of the Temple of Uppsala
    • 1.7 The Awakening of the Norse Faith
    • 1.8 Return of the Norse Culture
    • 1.9 Restoration of the North Sea Empire
  • 2 Footnotes

Events[edit | edit source]


Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (2)Ways of the Norse Gods

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (3)

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[Root.Monarch.GetName], great [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] of [Root.GetName], chose a way of one of our Gods. Yet, [Root.Monarch.GetSheHe] is not sure if the current worship will lead [Root.Monarch.GetHerHim] to the magnificent Halls of Valhalla. [Root.Monarch.GetSheHeCap] is now seeking the advise of the [Root.GetChurchOrFallbackName] to reconsider his personal deity, and choose one who shall bring victory and glory to [Root.Monarch.GetHerHim] and the [Root.GetAdjective] people.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Taking the decision “Choose Personal Deity Again”

Option conditions

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (4)Enabled if: Odin has not been chosen as personal deity

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (6)

Odin has seen our future. He will guide us and our people.

Choose Odin as personal deity

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (8)Enabled if: Freya has not been chosen as personal deity

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (10)

Freya shall bring fruits of our labor.

Choose Freya as personal deity

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (12)Enabled if: Tor has not been chosen as personal deity

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (14)

Thor will protect us.

Choose Tor as personal deity

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (16)Enabled if: Tyr has not been chosen as personal deity

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (18)

Tyr's justice is our path.

Choose Tyr as personal deity

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (20)Enabled if: Njord has not been chosen as personal deity

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (22)

Njord's waves shall bring wealth to our [Root.GovernmentName].

Choose Njord as personal deity

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (24)Enabled if: Snotra has not been chosen as personal deity

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (26)

May the wisdom of Snotra lead us to a bright future.

Choose Snotra as personal deity


Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (28)A Wave of Curiosity

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (29)

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Scandinavia adopted Christianity during the height of the Medieval times. Although hesitant, the population of Denmark, Sweden and Norway eventually converted, subjugating themselves to the Holy See. They were promised to receive absolution.
Little did the Nordic people know how this path to absolution actually looks like: any mere priest can sell indulgences which save you from the hellfire, bishops are exploiting the very cities they promised to protect and the Pope pays more attention to its own personal gains than to the fate of Catholicism.

In times like this it is not strange for a [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] like [Root.Monarch.GetName] to question the authority of the Papacy. During one of [Root.Monarch.GetHerHis] rides through the wilderness of [Root.GetName] [Root.Monarch.GetSheHe] encountered one of the old rune stones created by our pagan ancestors. [Root.Monarch.GetHerHisCap] curiosity about the Old Gods has been unleashed...

Available only with the Lions of the North DLC enabled.
Trigger conditions

The country:

  • Is Catholic
  • Is not a subject nation
  • Owns province Bergslagen (4)
  • Has one of the following primary culture:
    • Swedish
    • Danish
    • Norwegian
    • Icelandic
    • Norse
  • At least one of:
    • Is excommunicated
    • Has country modifier The Statute in Restraint of Appeals
  • At least one of:
    • Ruler has the personality trait Scholar
    • Ruler has the personality trait Sinner
    • Ruler's skill is at least 5 in each category

It is currently the Age of Discovery.
Can only happen once per country.

Mean time to happen

100 years

  • ×0.5:
    • Is excommunicated
    • Has activated Religious Ideas

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (37)

The church is a lost cause. Let's learn more about the old Norse instead!

The ruler gains “Withdrawn from Public Life” for 30 years, giving:

  • −100% Chance of new heir
  • −0.5 Yearly legitimacy
  • −5 Yearly papal influence
  • These effects are lost if the state religion changes

Catholicism gains 1% reform desire

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (44)

This is madness!

The country

  • Gains 10 papal influence

Catholicism loses 1% reform desire


Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (48)[Root.Monarch.GetName]'s Discovery

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (49)

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[Root.Monarch.GetName] travelled into the thick forests of [Root.GetName] with a small group of the closest advisors and servants. After all, a [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] as [Root.Monarch.GetHerHim] can not survive in the wilderness just by [Root.Monarch.GetHerselfHimself].
After several weeks of travelling, searching and philosophizing, the curious [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] and [Root.Monarch.GetHerHis] company eventually found a forsaken temple with a small collection of idols of the several gods of the Norse faith. Upon touching them, [Root.Monarch.GetName] suffered a seizure and lost all of [Root.Monarch.GetHerHis] senses!

Two days later, after [Root.Monarch.GetHerHisCap] servants established a small camp, the [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] finally woke up from [Root.Monarch.GetHerHis] unwanted sleep.

Available only with the Lions of the North DLC enabled.
Trigger conditions

The country:

  • Has one of the following primary culture:
    • Swedish
    • Danish
    • Norwegian
    • Icelandic
    • Norse
  • Has ruler modifier “Withdrawn from Public Life”

Can only happen once per country.

Mean time to happen

60 months

  • Owns province Bergslagen (4): ×0.5
  • ×0.5:
    • Is excommunicated
    • Has activated Religious Ideas

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (53)

Our [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] says [Root.Monarch.GetSheHe] was granted a vision!

The ruler:

  • Changes religion to Norse

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (55)

This is madness!

The country:

  • Gain 10 papal influence
  • Remove country modifier "Withdrawn from Public Life" [2]

Catholicism loses 1% reform desire


Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (59)[Root.Monarch.GetName]'s Turn to the Old Gods

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (60)

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It has been months since [Root.Monarch.GetName]'s sudden loss of senses. Although it only prevailed for a short time, the... visions [Root.Monarch.GetName] claimed to have seen changed [Root.Monarch.GetHerHim] drastically.

No longer was [Root.Monarch.GetSheHe] busy with the matters of the Church nor did [Root.Monarch.GetSheHe] seem to care about the security of the state. Instead, the [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] studied every single script; every single documention about the old Norse religion. Although some worried about [Root.Monarch.GetHerHis] sanity, the chats with [Root.Monarch.GetHerHis] revealed that [Root.Monarch.GetSheHe] had not lost [Root.Monarch.GetHerHis] sharp mind in any way.

One day though, [Root.Monarch.GetName] vanished completely and messages from [new_norse_province.GetName] reached the court...

Available only with the Lions of the North DLC enabled.
Trigger conditions

The country:

  • Is not Norse
  • Has one of the following primary culture:
    • Swedish
    • Danish
    • Norwegian
    • Icelandic
    • Norse
  • Has a ruler who:
    • Is not Norse
    • Has ruler modifier “Withdrawn from Public Life”
  • Owns any province which:
    • Is not the country's capital
    • Is on the same continent as the capital
    • Is not an island
    • one province matching the conditions is saved as the event target

Can only happen once per country.

Mean time to happen

50 months

  • Owns province Bergslagen (4): ×0.5
  • ×0.5:
    • Is excommunicated
    • Has activated Religious Ideas

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (66)

The knowledge gathered is of no use if not shared with the people!

Event target:

  • Changes religion to Norse

If ruler has the personality trait Sinner

  • Loses personality trait Sinner
  • Gains personality trait Zealot

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (71)

This is madness!

The country:

  • Gain 10 papal influence
  • Remove country modifier "Withdrawn from Public Life" [2]

Catholicism loses 1% reform desire


Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (75)The Norse Conversion of [Root.GetName]

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (76)

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Heathen preachings are witnessed in our own provinces. Once devoted Christians are tossing their crosses into the ocean and building shrines for their pagan gods. Churches are turned into temples.
In the midst of all that is [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] [Root.Monarch.GetName], now self proclaimed "Seer of the Old Gods", who overlooks the conversion of entire areas of [Root.GetName].

Available only with the Lions of the North DLC enabled.
Trigger conditions

The country:

  • Is not Norse
  • Has one of the following primary culture:
    • Swedish
    • Danish
    • Norwegian
    • Icelandic
    • Norse
  • Has a ruler who:
    • Is Norse
    • Has ruler modifier “Withdrawn from Public Life”
  • Owns any province which:
    • Is Norse

Can only happen once per country.

Mean time to happen

20 months

  • Owns province Bergslagen (4): ×0.5
  • ×0.5:
    • Is excommunicated
    • Has activated Religious Ideas

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (83)

It is done! We are once again following the true faith!

The country:

  • Changes religion to Norse
  • Removes country modifier "Withdrawn from Public Life" [2]
  • Loses 3 stability

Country's capital:

  • Changes religion to Norse

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (87)

This is madness!

The country:

  • Gain 10 papal influence
  • Remove country modifier "Withdrawn from Public Life" [2]

Catholicism loses 1% reform desire


Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (91)The Restoration of the Temple of Uppsala

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (92)

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The Temple of Uppsala was a holy site for the Norse faith until King Inge the Elder managed to destroy the temple and left nothing but rubble behind. Our faith never recovered from this loss, and eventually we turned our backs on the gods.

But today, this disgrace shall be undone! The Temple of Uppsala has been rebuilt, more magnificent and glorious than ever before!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • Taking the decision Restore the Temple of Uppsala
  • Completing the Scandinavian “Restore the Norse Faith” mission
  • Completing the Danish “Restore the Norse Faith” mission
  • Completing the Norwegian “Restore the Norse Faith” mission
  • Completing the Swedish “Worship of the Gods” mission

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (94)

Prepare a sacrifice. Today we celebrate!

Province Stockholm (1):

  • Builds a Cathedral
  • Set province flag has_uppsala_temple_flag
  • Gain triggered province modifier “Religious Center” for the rest of the game, giving:
    • −5% Local missionary strength
  • Gain triggered province modifier “Temple of Uppsala” for the rest of the game, giving:
    • +1 Missionary
    • +1 Tolerance of the true faith
    • +2% Missionary strength
    • These effects are lost if the state or province religion changes

The country:

  • Unlocks decision "Choose Personal Deity Again"


Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (101)The Awakening of the Norse Faith

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (102)

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The animistic revolt of [new_norse_province.GetName] has found ancient rune stones of the Vikings from centuries ago. The faith of our ancestors revealed a whole new world of believes to these rebels. Now they are no longer rebelling against us for their animistic traditions but for their new found gods of Asgard.

Available only with the Lions of the North DLC enabled.

This event happens only once during a campaign.

Trigger conditions

The country:

  • Is not Pagan
  • Has one of the following primary culture:
    • Swedish
    • Danish
    • Norwegian
    • Icelandic
    • Norse
  • Owns any province that:
    • Is in Scandinavia region
    • Is occupied by Animist zealots
    • Is Animist
    • one province matching the conditions is saved as the event target

It is currently the Age of Reformation

Mean time to happen

24 months

Option conditions

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (108)Always enabled:

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (109)


The country:

  • Loses 2 stability
  • Disbands the Animist rebels

Event target province:

  • Changes religion to Norse
  • Two armies of Norse zealots (size 2) rise in revolt

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (114)Enabled if:The country is Pagan[3]

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (115)

There is no reason to rebel as we too are children of the gods!

The country:

  • Changes religion to Norse
  • Disbands the Animist rebels

Event target province:

  • Changes religion to Norse

Country's capital:

  • Changes religion to Norse


Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (120)Return of the Norse Culture

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (121)

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With the revival of the Norse faith, the population of [Root.GetName] has started to practice traditions and ceremonies which were thought to be long lost. This resurgance of the old Norse culture might be a chance for our country to break the shakles which were bound to our culture by Christianity.

Available only with the Lions of the North DLC enabled.
Trigger conditions

The country:

  • Does not have custom ideas
  • Is not playing a custom nation
  • Is Norse
  • Has at least 90% Religious unity
  • Has at least +2 Stability
  • Has one of the following primary culture:
    • Swedish
    • Danish
    • Norwegian
    • Icelandic

Can only happen once per country.

Mean time to happen

20 months

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (127)

It is time for us to return to our cultural roots!

The country:

  • Changes its culture to Norse
  • Gets the event ‘’, unless it has Norse ideas.
  • Ruler, consort and heir, if Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and Icelandic:
    • Changes their culture to Norse
  • Set country flag accepted_norse_ideas_flag

Country's capital:

  • Changes its culture to Norse
  • Gains 1 base tax
  • Gains 1 base production
  • Gains 1 base manpower

Every owned Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and Icelandic province:

  • Changes its culture to Norse.

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (135)

We cannot allow us to abandon the progress we made over the centuries.

If the country has a stability of less than +3,
  • then it gains 1 stability,
  • else it gains 50 administrative power.


Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (138)Restoration of the North Sea Empire

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (139)

Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. It was last verified for version 1.35.

In 1013, King cnu*t the Great unified the Kingdoms of Denmark, Norway and England into one single empire: the North Sea Empire. His achievements set a signal for the Christian and Norse kingdoms alike and his legacy lived on to this very day.

Now, the crowns of Scandinavia and the British Isles are once again united under one Norse banner. The jarls of the many territories bow before the great [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] [Root.Monarch.GetName]. Undoubdetly, the [Root.GovernmentName] of [Root.GetName] is the true heir to the North Sea Empire.
Only one question is open: Should the [Root.GetAdjective] realm assume the name of "North Sea Empire"?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • Completing the Scandinavian “The North Sea Empire” mission
  • Completing the Danish “The North Sea Empire” mission
  • Completing the Norwegian “The North Sea Empire” mission

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (140)

From this day onwards, we shall be known as the North Sea Empire!

The country:

  • Becomes an Empire
  • Is renamed “North Sea Empire”
  • Change country color to this color
  • Set country flag has_overriden_color_flag
  • Gains 25 prestige

Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (143)

[Root.GetName] is a better name for a state to cause fear.

The country:

  • Gains 50 administrative power
  • Gains 50 diplomatic power
  • Gains 50 military power

Footnotes[edit | edit source]

  1. The script code is located in /Europa Universalis IV/events/Norse.txt
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 This also removes the ruler modifier of the same name.
  3. This event option only becomes available if the game is reloaded after the country converted to a pagan faith while the event is open.

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Norse events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (2024)


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